Optimizing performance in both professional and personal environments requires self-leadershipXCamp is designed to facilitate the rediscovery of self and create opportunity and potential for peak human performance. 

The cold water emersion session is one example of how the experience integrates mind and body awareness through an adventurous activity.  We warm our bodies in the creek-side sauna, descend the steps into the icy water, and as a group support each other in finding our emotional and physical edges.  Finding our edge and leaning into it is a gateway to the “Flow State”.  Flow states bring people into a place guided by instinct and intuition – the second-guessing of the brain being blocked out and pure potentiality is unleashed. Maverick neuroscientist Dr. Ryan D’Arcy primes campers with the latest advances in neuroscience and technical devices to achieve flow more often and more easily.  Optimizing our brains to achieve peak human performance changes how we view our personal potential.  The way you ski, create, communicate or relate may never be the same. 

XCamp at Journeyman lodge tends to the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of life. With new and healthy habits in sleep, relaxation, communication, relationship, movement and nutrition, personal and professional performance can soar. The outcome is to have participants step beyond their normal, to experience and learn how to incorporate these methods and behaviors into their lives beyond the XCamp. 

Send your employees to XCamp and watch them step more intentionally and powerfully into themselves and witness their performance improve. Investing in employee’s whole health and personal development is proven to have a strong return and a palpable ripple effect throughout a corporation. Contact us to see how we can help.